Posts Tagged ‘giving’

It would be great if you could complete this quick, anonymous survey 🙂

what makes us give?

When I receive a gift from my mother, I usually recognise the wrapping paper – a little more crinkled, a few more tears, and bits of sticky tape collected along the way.  Some of my friends think it’s a bit sad that I find it impossible to rip open a present, but my mother has instilled ‘no waste’ values in me from an early age, and I appreciate what the wrinkled up wrapping stands for.  I admire my Mum’s environmentally conscious actions, which have seen her recycle wrapping paper for at least the past 30 years.  As I know she and many from her generation lived through some tough times, perhaps her motivation for recycling comes from the experience of being without, and of making the most of what you have … or she may have just been way ahead of her time in the recycling game.

So I started to wonder what issues motivated people of different ages, interests and backgrounds, which charities and causes do people give to.  Do people who shop and curl their hair care about animal testing on beauty products?  Do car enthusiasts care about the environment?  I wanted to break down this kind of information, and present it in a way that allows the viewer to ask and answer these kinds of questions.

There are so many unfortunate circumstances around the globe today, so I think it’s hard for people to know where their donations, time and energy should go, where it’s most needed, how your donation will be used and so on.  Whatever the case may be, I would really appreciate your honesty in completing my survey – what makes us give?